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Publicist Inc

Content Creation, PR Services, Events Management


We help organizations win hearts & minds, by developing & delivering their messages consistently, to the right audience through the right channels.

وصف الخدمة

We are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways of doing things, and always seek to integrate digital with traditional media in all our communications for a holistic and integrated impact.

Our network affiliations do not just give us great global reach, they give us access to best practices, knowledge, and tools.


Corporate Communications

  • Strategic Planning

  • Positioning & messaging development

  • Executive Visibility

  • Corporate Profile Visibility

  • Presentation & Speech Development

  • E-marketing content strategies

  • Customer communication strategies

  • Executive industry round tables

Digital Communications & Influencer Management

  • Digital landscape assessment & digital consumer behavior analysis reporting

  • Digital analysis & competitor intelligence reporting

  • Brand Health Reporting & sentiment analysis

  • Crisis Diagnosis Reporting

  • Community outreach buzz reporting

  • Digital strategy

  • Influencer identification, recruitment & management

  • Digital Content creation 

Crisis Communications & Reputation Management

  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis

  • Government relations and public affairs 

  • Business intelligence & political risk reporting & analysis

  • Leading and managing guerilla campaigns

  • Key opinion leaders and Influencer management campaigns

  • Public opinion research, measurement, and analysis

Media Monitoring

  • Daily, weekly, or monthly monitoring of client, competitor and industry news

  • Media Analysis Reporting

  • Social Media Monitoring and Reporting

  • Market Intelligence Reporting

Media Relations

  • Media Landscape Assessments

  • Media Lists

  • Media Briefing

  • Media Training

  • Press Kits

  • Press Releases

  • Press Conferences

  • Familiarization rips

Event Management

  • Event Concept Development

  • Guest List Management

  • Supplier Management

  • Media Management

  • Logistics Management

محتوى الموقع

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انلوك تحول الطريقة التي تشتري وتبيع بها الشركات الخدمات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا من خلال التطابق بواسطة الذكاء الاصطناعي، وعمليات المزايدة المنظمة، وضمان انلوك لمشتريات الخدمات.

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2023 انلوك الدولية المحدودة. جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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