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Kroma Projekts

Media Production


Kroma Projekts - A Content Creation Agency Focused on LIVE Engagement

وصف الخدمة

Kroma Projekts is a content creation agency that specializes in providing its clients with the tools to engage with their audience in real time. The agency offers live stream solutions, on-the-fly photography, and video production services to enable its clients to actively engage with their audience on air.

Live Engagement

Kroma Projekts is passionate about live engagement because it builds trust with the audience. According to Deloitte's 2021 Marketing Trends Report, live video is changing the way brands interact with their audiences. A live video strategy engages viewers in immediate and authentic ways, building trust that other media formats cannot. Kroma Projekts is offering 30-minute consultations to help clients build live solutions into their content strategy.

Key Benefits of Livestreaming

Kroma Projekts highlights three key benefits of livestreaming. Firstly, Facebook users spend three times more time watching live videos than any other form of video content. Secondly, 80% of brand audiences would rather watch live videos than read a blog, and 82% prefer live videos to social posts. Lastly, 67% of live video viewers are more likely to buy a ticket to a concert or event after watching a live video of that event or a similar one.

Why Livestream

Kroma Projekts emphasizes four facts to understand why livestreaming is essential. Firstly, the live-streaming industry is projected to be a $70.5 billion industry by 2021. Secondly, live streaming has a worldwide audience and can be accessed across several devices, making it accessible to everyone. Thirdly, users watch live videos 10 to 20 times longer than on-demand content, making live streaming a powerful way to deliver interactive content. Lastly, live stream viewership grew by 99% in 2020, and 44% watch less live TV as a result of livestreaming.

Kroma Projekts is a content creation agency that offers live engagement solutions to help clients build trust with their audience. Livestreaming offers numerous benefits to brands, including longer viewer attention spans and the ability to engage with a worldwide audience. Kroma Projekts is offering 30-minute consultations to help clients build live solutions into their marketing strategy.

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