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EPN launches UNLOCK, the gateway to Egypt's finest service providers

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Updated: Nov 1, 2023

EPN proudly launched UNLOCK, the gateway to connecting professional service seekers with the finest Egyptian service providers on 7 December 2020, followed by a swell of support from EPN members worldwide. In the days following the launch, UNLOCK registered over 70 professional service providers and hundreds of customer reviews.

The story of UNLOCK began when EPN Co-Founders Mona El-Kheshen and Fady Younan gathered feedback from EPN members in July 2020 in answer to a very simple survey question: "how can we help you?". The objective was to find out which services were needed the most to support EPN members in their quest to achieve their full professional potential, and the resounding answer was a two-sided coin: "help me source the right type of customers for my business" and "help me find trusted & talented service providers to grow my business".

“As EPN grew & matured over the past year, people started seeing the calibre of professionals within the community. We became the second most trusted source to find talented service providers beyond asking your own personal network for recommendations, members were coming onto the group requesting recommendations for needed services on a daily basis, so the idea for UNLOCK made perfect sense,” explained El-Kheshen.

UNLOCK was created to easily connect service seekers with talented Egyptian-led service providers, sourced from the carefully vetted EPN group on Facebook. Through UNLOCK, service seekers can browse providers by category, read customer reviews and easily get in touch with service providers for more information. Talented service providers who list their services on UNLOCK, also benefit from the added exposure to the EPN community of 8,000+ business leader & decision-making service seekers. The platform is subscription-based and does not charge any commissions, crucially allowing service providers to retain 100% of their fees.

“Before UNLOCK, it was a matter of luck whether a service provider was recommended on an EPN member's post asking for options on our Facebook group. It all depended on the Facebook algorithm & who happened to be online at the time of the post. Within a couple of days, the post would get pushed down and drown within dozens of other posts. Now there is an option for EPN members and service seekers to browse & contact talented & recommended service providers, and most importantly, read authentic customer reviews,” explains Younan.

UNLOCK service categories currently include accounting, auditing, co-working spaces, consulting, creative services, education, edtech, event management, finance, fintech, human resources, recruitment services, IT services, digital transformation, legal services, marketing, public relations, training and coaching, and many more. New professional services categories are added on a weekly basis.

According to Younan, the beauty of UNLOCK is that it fits the spirit of EPN. “Throughout EPN’s initiatives this year, the character of the community really shone through. Every community has its own culture and values, and I think it became apparent that EPN’s members are genuine, collaborative, and want to connect with like-minded, success-driven and impactful people like themselves worldwide. UNLOCK provides a centralized platform for service providers who match the spirit and value system of EPN.”

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